Monday, April 6, 2009


Ahhhh, Madeline has yet again another new word. It was bound to happen only a matter of time I guess. I guess it's the choice of her new word that has me cringing and smiling at the same time. Coming from a mom who affectionately calls her little darling three year old "Turd" I can see the funny part of her new word guessed it "Turd"! After she said it (of course she said it right after I'd said it) I started trying to figure out why it is that I call her Turd, Turkey-Butt, Turkey....I've come up with no reasoning behind the goofy names (disclaimer: I love her very much and she has cute little sweet nicknames also and this listed are stated out of affection)...except that she is the goofiest little 3 yr. old so that warrants the goofy names!

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