Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Fun At The Zoo

Pictures to come: The girls and I went on an adventure to the zoo and on the way we picked-up auntie Donna! This was our first time to go to the zoo in the evening and it was "Family Fun Night" at the zoo! Family Fun Night has lots of "extras" going on that they don't do any other day. Like free teddy bear check-ups, viewing the animals get feed (they don't eat the kids...I know what your thinking Tyson) and free sea lion shows. Tons of fun! Madeline had been looking forward to this day all week (so was mommy!) and she kept saying, "Horton don't not feel good, he needs a hot" (Horton the elephant and "hot" is shot) So we took Horton and he got his check-up and a band-aid on his "boo boo" that Madeline said he had on his trunk. Then we proceeded to run all over the park in a mad dash speed to ware all of us adults out....the 2 year olds were fine! Madeline got to eat a Krispy Kreme doughnut while watching the alligators eat their dinner and while Grace was feeding them her dropped "puffs". (baby food that she can pick-up and feed her self...she really just gets a hand full of them and the gets frustrated b/c she can't figure out how to get them into her mouth and out of her hands!) Then we ate dinner....then ran through to get to the bear feeding in time, then ran to the opposite side of the zoo to see the sea lion show! Grace really enjoyed to sea lion show, she was laughing and cooing! That's a long one~ Then the adults proceeded to go home and collapse with exhaustion!

1 comment:

  1. This is so cool how you do this!! We really did have fun! I am going to look through dad's slides and get you some pic of the zoo when I was little.
